Tim Hinck & Christian Collier Remix Ravel
On June 16th and 17th, Barking Legs Theatre is excited to host Tim Hinck’s imaginative reworking of Ravel’s masterpiece “Le Tombeau de Couperin” featuring remixes by DJ Christian Collier. The performance will also be accompanied with an immersive, sensory experience including projected film and flavorful wine specifically paired for the performance. This ‘Ravel Remix’ is the second of Hinck’s performances of the piece. The first performance took place in December 2016 at The Edney in downtown Chattanooga, featuring nationally acclaimed multi-media artist Phillip Andrew Lewis.Tim Hinck is never satisfied to play the same piece the same way twice, neither is he satisfied keeping it traditional. In the scope of his career in Chattanooga, he has challenged a diverse array of southern audiences with immersive multimedia works, solo interpretations, as well as original compositions. Themes of exploration and discovery and quintessential to the Hinck concert experience, and this new reworking featuring spoken-word artist Christian Collier will be one to carry with you and ponder during the hot summer months.The title, “Le Tombeau de Couperin,” literally translates to ‘The Tomb of Couperin’ but the listener wouldn’t know that by listening to the original composition. Originally written as a solo piano piece between 1914 and 1917, the piece’s melody flows with a gentle impressionistic sway that seemingly evaporates at completion. For a name that suggests mourning, the music itself is light, airy, and smooth. In the seventeenth century, ‘tombeau’ was a phrase for a musical work written as a memorial. Originally, Ravel intended for the piece to be an ode to the French baroque composer Françoise Couperin and eighteenth century keyboard suites. Yet, as WWI raged on and friends died while serving in the military, Ravel composed the piece as a means to remember his fallen companions. Each movement in the work is dedicated and named after a friend Ravel lost during the war. For a piece written in the wake of the 20th century, the piece contains hazy jazz inflections with tonal colors that manifest into a gorgeous dreamscape that keeps audiences entertained to this day.Do not miss this chance to experience a orchestral masterwork be turned on its head by two of Chattanooga’s most creative minds! If the dead could dance, they’d be swinging to Ravel. For ticket information, visit the event website at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tim-hinck-christian-collier-remix-ravel-tickets-34948575129?aff=efbevent. Further reading:http://thelistenersclub.com/2015/05/13/le-tombeau-de-couperin-post-apocalyptic-ravel/http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=93842254