Full Circle TAP in the News!

We're changing minds, inspiring new ideas, creating new community. With art, we can transform how Chattanooga looks at education and learning.Keep in touch with us as we start releasing pictures and insights from the workshop.Check the article here or below. 

Full Circle: A student-centered approach to arts education in Chattanooga

This week, Hamilton County artists are participating in an intense workshop at Barking Legs Theater in Chattanooga.The founder of Barking Legs Theater exposes artists to a student-centered approach to arts education every year.
Presently, more than half the schools in Hamilton County do not offer art to students.

Monday morning, the artists worked on discovering their body and mind connections through a "brain dance".Then, they got into resting positions on a large piece of paper. Each of their bodies were traced.The artists then began to draw, write and create their own masterpiece - a process many of them will take back to their classrooms to teach students this school year.Ann Law, Artistic Director at Barking Legs Theater, says, "To me the whole point is embracing the entire individual and not putting them in traditional education, which sometimes prevents that from happening."The artists at this boot camp are part of an organization called "Full Circle Teaching Artists Program." 


#TalktotheLeg: Over Easy


Introducing: #TalktotheLeg